
as many, I have been trading for a while (to create clear, a lot longer than joining that would imply).
Must be a slow learner?!
Many things I researched seem to go against several things the gurus teach:
I use no SL most of the time, but plogical ones, that believe more the total equity defense.
I use grids, to scale into trades. Ok, nothing fixed dimensions, but still a grid. On the other hand, aim for entrances where possible.
I may or may not utilize martingale when adding to some position ( yes, winners largely!) Although tend not to utilize martingale.
I risk a fixed % of equity per transaction, that vary from the setup, and my analysis of it.
I ignore profit in pips, results counted in $ $$! If the pips green, then it's added and also to my feel.
I do scalp (also)
and most importantly maybe
I dont plan for maximum profits, happy to participate of a move. Re-enter or not afterwards. My priority is handle drawdown, and finally to get a monthly yield that is drawdown.
That also summarize it up.
No fixed monthly yield targets, simply to be more positive, and beat the bank's interest rate to compensate for the added risk involved.

That said,
my aim to move out of hobby/part time trading toward complete time.
This phase is all about finding consistency in my results, and about proper capitalization for full time trading.