I am in need of inspiration...

I'm at the largest rut in my 30 year life along with also my dre of investing for a dwelling is within arms reach, but that reach is only slowly getting nearer.

While I'm profitable, I'm not too, yet I am supremely confident in my abilities and the understanding that if I can dedie more of my time to analysis of trades that I might be quite successful.

HOWEVER, I have a family, a spouse, kid and mortgage to look after and also the steady income of a rat-race job is the sole safety in fulfilling those needs.

I'm on the verge though, of making a rash decision for more out of life and only quit my day job and dive head first into supporting my household with trading.

What have YOU done in your life to take a chance on something - a risk you may say to better your life?

How did you go about it, plan for it, and fulfill it?

Since I said - I am after inspiration and would love some feel good,'it is possible to do it' stories, but maybe some facts checks may be needed?

Thank you for listening...