Well trading definetely change my entire life. . .since I engaged in 2009...
it was a nightmare for me to get the initial years and it continue until few years on....
Everthing began to change since 2011....it was a entire turnover....
I knew who is am from top to toe....more on personalities that I would never knew about....

How irresponsible how I had been....
How greedy I had been....
How hot-tempered I had been....
How un-organize I had been....
And few other things that I was not proud of....

All the dread seeing the falling of every trader by every one....make me stronger....
All the complied items I have seem in the chart trying to know what's going on....
All the endless night studying the machine and seeking to match with my personalites....
I nearly give up....really! But I would never....started what I can't finished....that makes me moving forward....

Currently trading is part of my life...I wouldn't know what else to do....without it....
The gentle thrill it gave me....the consistent of my judgement thru my trades....
Along with the turn-around plan if things are not exercising....
And I would not ever regret on what I have planned.

I only trades when the market give me my chances....and will never-ever disrecpesct the market....
Will all my lay-out plans....never ever....
Knows where's my limits and my stands between the market and a swing trader like me....

Trading is not for everybody....
If you believe that you have enough money and trading is the thing....
Well....you're making the worst mistake in your life....other than quitting a bitch!
It will suck all of the good things and spit all the blood out....
Would be making you shed few friends and couple love ones....

But if you manage to pass all the test....
Things would be simple for you....not only for trading....but all you decision where works is related....
Your decision would be simpler, easy but yer effective....
It had been what I've went for 6 years strong....never stop trading even tho my capital is little....
Small margin....we roll little....big margin we roll large....
But of course....either one....think and re-think....always think of something unexpected....
Great night lads....and good luck to all new trader...