This is an experiment by applying Robert Lichello's egy in his book how can I earn 1 million dollars in stock market automatically. Since Robert's book was on the market. I have to tweak it a little to match Forex.

Initial investment: $68.00
I took 50 percent of it ($34) to buy AUD/USD at 50:1 leverage. So on the AIM spread sheet, I put in $34 x 50 = $1700 as first investment. AUD/USD is trading at 0.98398, therefore the spread sheet calculated that my first purchase should be 1719 units of AUD/USD. I will check once daily, by using the AIM spreadsheet. I set buy safe and market safe all at 5 percent.

I use Oanda therefore I will trade as small as 1 device.

Let me see how it goes.