I'd like to welcome all to the thread of . .

Once I started learning PF I had been looking for the PF charts which could upgrade live data, but after I came across MR.Caldera work I realized that u simply don't need live upgrade. . The majority of the Live chart updates I attempted using slowed my PC. . U can use his work, he had been happy to know that I was using it successfully. . Simply follow the directions in his folder u can plot the PF charts. . Always remember to set the correct the point size that's 4 or 5 decimals according to your broker orelse u will get a error. .

The publiion u have to read is Definitive Guide to Stage Figure by JEREMY DU PLESSIS

I'd love to see more folks joining posting PF charts. . If u have learnt Wyckoff Analysis you will have a extra benefit of using PF to the very best. .

Ur replies will be greatly appreciated. .

All the Best to everyone. . Lets get the ball rolling. . Lets grow together. .

I have made some snapshots to simplify your installation how to setup charts. . Hope this Helps. .







