How did trading change your life? - Page 2
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Thread: How did trading change your life?

  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    u rock Guy thaT WAS funny as
    Because mate

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    hm, let's discuss diversifiion (not correlation ). Yes, everything could fail at the same time, but I am just talking in terms of probabilities....
    Yes, we have different beliefs, that is likely why market is indeed intriguing...
    I enjoy my egy since I know that any second any commerce may bring me a 10percent in a blink of a eye, while to lose the same amount it takes 100 trades.
    I like what you say since you prefer to be analytical and you found your niche in the markets.

    Folks at the end what can I say? It could be that me and will be millionaire next 10 decades, or we can both go bankrupt... in the end I believe this: find a street, the one you believe simplest, take some cash, start trading, should you make money believe what you want (luck, fantastic analysis, weather, planets, ecc...), only be sensible, never take your profits for granted, the afternoon you will stop trading, that is when you can say I have been a prosperous trader...

  3. #13
    U rock man thaT WAS amusing as

  4. #14

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    This is an excellent point (I love that man!) .
    But let us think again that border traders are simply lucky, (so try to comprehend my point of view). You run your insurance, and let's say you are an italian one, a war happen, what happens to all of your figures? Is not it such as relying on MACD? When things changes, your statistics lags, or not? Thus how do you know you are mistaken?
    When you discuss correlation, do you mean conducting a worldwide insurance? If italy is into a war, then you'll lose your italian one, but you'll have the ability to recover...
    hm, let us discuss diversifiion (not correlation ). Yes, that which could fail at the exact same time, but I am just talking in terms of probabilities. In case you've got multiple good egies based on multiple tools, then the probability is very low that this event happens. Of course it might happen, but the probability is very low.

    From what I know, most funds need to devote to ONE egy, and that is the underlying problem of funds. They could diversify the tools, but not the egies used. (Please correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that is how it is from the fund industry.)

    And yes, you are right, it's not possible to know beforehand, once an edge starts to fail. Best example:
    read the last article of this site.

    As soon as you realize it, you're already deep in the red likely, but concerning probability it's pretty hard for MULTIPLE edges to fail at the same time. That is the reason why I think it's important to first of all have a few independent edges for multiple tools and use them for diversifiion purposes. I think diversifiion is really one of the few methods that actually can reduce risk. Maybe not a lot of individuals on ff discuss diversifiion for some reason.

    Nicely, and also a personal story about me. My personal beliefs are crushed many many times . But once I started thinking like a scientist or researcher and began looking at the market through analytics, I could establish more objective beliefs that haven't failed me. . .YET

    For a few trading is artwork, for a few it is mathematics (and for a few it is luck ). I am anyways a more analytical individual, that is why I instead rely on scientific methods.
    If I thought trading was only based on luck, then I preferably would go to the casino. The atmosphere there's more thrilling.

  6. #16
    Hey I like this discussion (Beman-)!
    You guys both have arguments that make sense (at least to me) and I can realy understand both of your perspectives.
    Life is a funny thing isn't it. . .it reveals again and again that we all have our own different realities. I simply hate if someone says to me something is impossible because I know it just means that it is impossible for him, it is simply not in his truth.
    I am affraid you men won't convince one another, but conversation is alwasy great and we can all learn alot,especialy relatively now man just like me
    Therefore thanks,it's been fun to read...

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    it made me a computer servant
    yeah, I understand soap opera in comparison to us, are nothing!!!

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    well, if you wan na t see trading such as gambling, then do so. In my view trading could be more than mere gambling.
    For me personally trading is similar to the insurance industry: e.g. they know that from 100.000 individuals who are 60 years old, 5 individuals will die on average every year. Then they calculate the insurance premium for having the ability to pay out the 5 individuals. It's the big numbers they're quite certain of. If you ask them, who can die this season, they do not know, they just know that on average it is 5 people.
    If we put that into context of trading, then each trade...
    This really is a Really good stage (I love this guy! ) .
    But let's think again that edge traders are just blessed, (so try to comprehend my point of view). You run your insurance, and let's say you're an italian one, a war occur, what happens to all of your statistics? Isn't it such as relying on MACD? When things changes or even? So how can you know you're wrong?
    When you talk about significance, do you mean conducting a worldwide insurance? So if italy is into a war, then you'll shed your italian one, but you'll be able to recover with the others? But then again, if a world war happens?

    I believe borders exists in the market, they aren't easy to find, but they exist.
    I also think that many managers are too much glued to their borders, and when you do this you aren't able to change your mind quickly enough to survive.

    So I believe an edge solely isn't sufficient, you also need to see that luck is much involved, this doesn't mean that you found your edge since you're fortunate, but you would be blessed if your edge will last forever.
    Again plogy (for me) is concerned, be ready to observe all your beliefs crushed by a tsunamy, it might happen and you have to be plogically ready for it.

    For me personally you can still make money with a very straightforward egy, relying just on luck, and your mind. However, you can not make money (even though statistically, your likelihood are much better ) if you solely rely on an edge (remember most MM loose cash ), you have to confront bad times, together with awful times I do not mean to confront DrawDowns, I mean when your edge will not work anymore, in other words, even when a WW starts!!

    P.s when I say , I must write we because I do not have THE ANSWER!

  9. #19

  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    Ok now think about this:
    Livermore is still regarded as a legend even when he lost his pants more than once, last time he lost his money he decides to loose his life also. Folks looks at Livermore as a legend but would not trade , I believe people is not really concerned about his trading egy.
    Let's say Livermore at the top of his achievement stops trading, what will be the results? He would live his whole lifetime as millionaire, surrounded by people asking him how to trade, he did not altered his manner of tradinghe simply stopped while at the...
    nicely, if you wan na t see trading like gambling, then do so. In my view trading could be more than simply gambling.
    For me personally trading is like the insurance industry: e.g. they understand that from 100.000 people who are 60 years old, 5 people will perish on average every year. Then they compute the insurance premium for having the ability to cover the 5 people. It is the large numbers they are quite certain of. If you ask them, that will die this year, they do not understand, they simply know that on average it is 5 people.
    When we put that into context of trading, then each trade has an uncertain outcome (we do not know which one will win or lose), but within a couple of million or tenthousand transactions we could determine an almost positive outcome, be it negative or positive.
    The more transactions you take, the less you're relying on luck, but on ice-cold statistics.
    So, if you wan na t rely solely on luck, then take only a few transactions or so and hope you're lucky. If you however take quite a lot of transactions, then there isn't any luck , but hard statistics. Then you know in case you've got a favorable or negative expectancy.

    Same goes with roulette, perhaps you're lucky within the subsequent 20 rounds. But you can not stay lucky over 10,000 or more rounds. Statistics will kick in and cancel out the luck you had.

    But anyways, just my view. Maybe I'm wrong about that.

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