Drawing correct resistance and support-lines - Page 67
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Thread: Drawing correct resistance and support-lines

  1. #661
    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    Just to donate to your thread and show people how it has to be carried out. After 1:2 my sl is at be, therefore its a free ride from today;--RRB-
    Got to love it

  2. #662
    Just to contribute to a thread and show people how it has to be carried out. After 1:2 my sl is at be, so its a completely free ride from today;--RRB-

  3. #663
    I brought 2 lines as service resistance to the price action of eurusd.
    Once the price broke through the triangle I instantly shorted it.

  4. #664
    Far too long I have promised a video showing how to analyse the market trend. I have posted it in my website and that I truly think applying those filters to your trading may make a great difference.

    Here is the connection http://symfx.blogspot.com/2011/06/tr...ket-video.html

  5. #665
    My EJ Analysis which is currently on the Trendline.Support become Resistance,Resistance become Support. If it break the TL,more Bearish is expected....

    AS Cobra Team

  6. #666
    I placed a buy order for the EUR/USD at 1.48408 that was triggered at the price. I placed a TP order at 1.48906 and that I chose to move my SL upward as the price went upward. My SL was struck at 1.48623 for a 21.5 PIP profit.

    As I mentioned earlier, I have a goal $ profit goal for every single week, and now that I exchange with that in mind. I have surpassed my goal.

  7. #667
    I do not expect to place any trades this morninng. I likely will wait to find out what tomorrow provides.

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