How far down do you think the Pound is going? -Daily Chart
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Thread: How far down do you think the Pound is going? -Daily Chart

  1. #1
    it's definitely going down... but just how far? ... I say that my tp places are those in green and yellow... have your say...

    N.B. please attach a chart describing your concept since I am mainly interested in studying

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    it's going down... but just how far? ... I state that my tp places will be the ones in yellow and green... have your say... N.B. please attach a chart describing your theory since I am mostly interested in learning image
    it's going down to zero. No chart needed to envision this.

    GBP will be replaced with something else.

    Trigger will be ethnic clensing starting in eu and extending to gbp, and mess this thing generates.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    quote More explanation for this stage could be useful

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    it is definitely going down... but how far? ... I say my tp areas are the ones in green and yellow... have your say... N.B. please join a chart describing your theory since I'm mostly interested in studying picture
    If know the answer, we all are Rich or Poor already.

  5. #5
    Personally I think that it'll be fairly quiet today until Tuesday when there are a few statements due. GBP had a large surge so usually a period of quiet follows.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    quote EZZ that it wasn't a doji.
    And what would you think about the GbpUsd situation for the upcoming few days? ... An describing chart could be appreciated

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    quote EZZ it wasn't a doji.
    The open and shut prices were too near when I looked in it... if not a doji what's it?

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